Looking Back at Jims Fresh Grimsby Fish
Now in 2025 our 22nd year, looking back at the past 22 years it only seems like yesterday since I took over the round from Brian Simmons and what a journey it's been. The people I've met along the way, one of my first memories is meeting Graham Taylor who queued at the back of my van waiting to buy fish. It felt so surreal. That was only the beginning. I went on to serve Michael Winner, Ray Harryhausen, Geraldine Somerville, Verity Lambert, Frank Windsor, Herbert Kretzmer, Rod Gilbert & Brian Granville. I even bumped into Harry Enfield.
I've served Lords, Ladies & even Dames WOW!
During that time I've seen and held an Oscar and other film and TV awards. What a job, how lucky am I!
I have got the best customers whom I refer to as my little bosses! and they have been the best bosses I could have wished to work for. Over the years many have become good friends. It's not all been plain sailing during my own personal family problems my customers were there for me to help me through the hard times. My van has been damaged in no less than three accidents(not all my fault!) and two off vandalism. You all stuck with me despite my vehicle being off the road and I even had financial offers to help me get back on the road. What can you say it's as good as it gets.
I'm sure some of you have stories you could tell so why not put together a testimonial and send it to us to be included on the testimonial page? Please send to jimsfreshfish@gmail.com